KASAMA hosts General Assembly 2022 face-to-face for the first time since pandemic

The Kataastaasang Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral (KASAMA) of MSU-IIT concluded its General Assembly on December 13, 2022, at the MSU-IIT Gymnasium.

The event started with the "Parade of Dignities", where college governors, KASAMA legislative and executive secretaries, CVG Chairperson, COO President, KASAMA Institute Officers, OVCSS Clusters, and the University Chancellor, Prof. Alizedney M. Ditucalan marched in to start the assembly.

This is followed by the Invocation and the singing of the National Anthem performed by the OCTAVA Choral Society. The OCTAVA also performed Christmas songs to hype up the program.

After which, Veanamarie Elise Santillan, the KASAMA president, shared her opening remarks. "It has been 4 years since we had this kind of celebration," she said. The KASAMA president shared that it has been too long since students experienced this event. Santillan also expressed her gratitude to the people behind the scenes and emphasised that KASAMA will do better next Semester as they have prepared a series of projects and events for the studentry. “Babawi kami next sem,” Santillan said.

Furthermore, she stressed that these projects and events will be possible through the cooperation and participation of the students and that she is hoping for the full participation of everybody in the success of these plans. Meanwhile, Prof. Alizedney M. Ditucalan, the University Chancellor, followed after the KASAMA president's opening remarks by sharing a message with the students. The Chancellor emphasised the meaning of #InfluencingTheFuture.

"The future is you, and that future is now," he said.

He explained how the Institute has been empowering students to influence the future, not just in terms of quality education but also in terms of student welfare and development. "...part of the Palakasan will be a gender-free pageant; it's not a pageant – it will be the search of the MSU-IIT influencers," he said. The Chancellor emphasised that MSU-IIT is a brand of quality education that includes quality student services that promote the students' welfare and development in helping them to influence the future.

The Vice Chancellor for Student Services, Dr. Rohane Derogongan, also shared a message after the Chancellor. “I would like to use the term ‘kasangga’; to me, KASAMA ko’ng pinangga.” The vice chancellor expressed how her office and its cluster are partners of KASAMA and partners of every student in their entire stay in the institution. "The entire [OVCSS] cluster will be your pinangga."

Dr. Derogongan shared what her office, OVCSS, does in promoting student welfare and development. She shared the different programs, policies, and projects that the OVCSS has been implementing to ensure the security and safety of the students inside and outside the campus.

The vice chancellor also shared that they have been planning to create more policies, projects, and programs to reach students in all situations and all statuses – those students raised by single parents, working, and financially unstable. The office is also open to all students' concerns and is open 24/7 to ensure that these concerns will be addressed immediately.

Moreover, Dr. Derogongan emphasised that the OVCSS is helping student organisations within the University to be organised and have great student plans. She also said that the OVCSS aims to take care of the students in all aspects during their residency at the University. After Dr. Derogongan's message, the Street Movers, one of the city's dance groups, performed a dance piece as the program's icebreaker.

OSDS as part of the OVCSS: "We are here to enhance your holistic development"

Long enough, the Office of the Student Development Services (OSDS) is under the OVCSS and headed by its director, Asst. Prof. Phyllis Marie S. Teanco shared the goals and importance of the office. "We are here to enhance your holistic development", she said. Asst. Prof. Teanco emphasised that the OSDS, as part of the OVCSS, promotes student welfare and development so that the student organisations will be more organised and will be guided in ensuring quality services for the students. She underscored that the office also provides scholarships, medical insurance, and allowances for students joining organisations—generally, Asst. Prof. Teanco generally emphasised that the OSDS is a helping hand of the OVCSS in assisting the students in many aspects to ensure their holistic development.

OGC: walking through and with the students

The Office of Guidance and Counseling (OGC), headed by Dr. Reynald P. Kyamco shared that the OGC is the partner of students in terms of their mental health. The OGC is committed to helping the students in terms of their struggles in their student life as they stay with the University. Dr. Kyamco shared the different services offered by the OGC, such as counselling, peer facilitation, testing, and other psychosocial services. He also emphasised that the office connects with mental health professionals to provide quality services to the students. The OGC is also composed of different guidance counsellors for every college to ensure that the student's concerns will be raised and will be addressed. According to Dr. Kyamco, these guidance counsellors will help students perform well in academics, improve their social relationships, and be better individuals in society. After Dr. Kyamco's message, the 2HD dance group performed centre stage to showcase their talent in dancing.

OSD: helping students to showcase their physical skills

After the performance of the 2HD, the Office of Sports and Development (OSD), represented by Prof. Leo N. Santillana, expressed how the OSD helped students showcase their physical skills in different areas of sports. He shared the different and newly offered sports, such as Taekwondo and many more. Moreover, Prof. Santillana said that the OSD has also been exerting effort in partnering with external organisations and commissions to give student-athletes more platforms to showcase their skills in their respective sports and represent the University. He also emphasised that the OSD is there to help the students enhance their skills and hobbies as part of enhancing their development.

ORFS: Improving the Convenience of the Students

The message of Prof. Santillana is followed by Asst. Prof. Cheryl Encabo, the Acting Director of the ORFS, shared the services offered by the Office of Resources and Food Services (ORFS). Asst. Prof. Encabo shared that one of their plans for the students is to have a better place to eat which was already accomplished, such as the school canteen. However, she emphasised that these plans are also in the process of improvement, and there are many more projects to be made to ensure the students' convenience as they stay on campus. The Acting Director also explained that the institute dormitory is exclusive for students taking up graduate studies and guests from other universities who are visiting the campus for educational purposes.

KASAMA Projects and Events for the 2nd Semester

After the message of each office under the OVCSS, the Vice President of the KASAMA, Jhune Ace Lubang, on behalf of the KASAMA president, Veanamarie Elise Santillan, shared the plans of the KASAMA for the next Semester. One of which is the most awaited event of every IITian – the Palakasan. He also mentioned more plans and projects made by KASAMA to enhance the participation of students in addressing social issues. Some of these projects are in partnership with other universities in Mindanao and other external organisations to expand the students' connections and apply their learnings in addressing social and environmental concerns.

Moreover, Lubang shared the projects of KASAMA that emphasise the welfare and development of the students. The KASAMA vice president said that KASAMA values the students and serves as the voice of the entire studentry. Lubang said that the projects and plans prepared by the KASAMA would be all possible through the students' help, participation, and cooperation.

The sharing of the KASAMA plans and budget was followed by Mr. Joshua B. Pinlac, the KASAMA Senator, and the General Assembly and Year-End Celebration 2022 (GAYEC) Chairperson, who shared his closing remarks.

The KASAMA General Assembly ended with Pinlac's message, missing the presentation of the KASAMA budget breakdown as stated in their posted schedule of events that should be done after the presentation of KASAMA projects.

About the Author

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Maan Deuda

Maan Deuda is a first-year BA Political Science student at Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT). She first joined the world of journalism during her junior high school at La Salle Academy - Iligan as a news writer from 2016-2018 which helped her learn and improve her craft. Currently, Maan serves as the 1st year representative of the Political Science Society and a news writer for CASSayuran - the official publication of the College of Arts and Social Sciences of MSU-IIT.

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