Semi-Finals: PSS, JPG Grapples for Debate Championship

Cementing their way to finals, the Political Science Society and the Junior Philosopher's Guild will be facing off each other in a title match; wrapping up the semi-finals held at Cassalida Theater earlier today, February 20, 2023.

The recently concluded semi-finals was done through a single elimination round. Hence, the debate was centered on a single theme revolving around relationships.

Under this theme are the following motions:
(I)THR the expectation that romantic partners should be significant support systems for each other's mental health
(II) THO the narrative that love (romantic, familial, etc) is about sacrifice
(III) TH, as a working woman in a developed country, would prefer to have a long-term committed relationship as opposed to short-term fervent relationships

With two pairs of clashing teams deciding on their vetoes, motions one and two were carried on.

Eventually, the debate proper was simultaneously held in Cassalida Theater for Political Science Society against Historical Society, while rooms 118 and 119 were utilized for Junior Philosopher's Guild's face-off with ABEO.

Under motion one, Junior Philosopher's Guild from the government bench thwarted ABEO's opposition, securing their spot in the finals.

Similarly, coming from the government bench, the Political Science Society's proposition emerged victorious over the Historical Society's opposition to motion two.

With the MSU-IIT Debate Varsity's adjudication, the fate of the champion debater who will represent CASS in the upcoming PALAKASAN, will be settled tomorrow, February 21, 2023, at 4:30 PM.

About the Author

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John Vincent M. Balustre

John Vincent Balustre is a news correspondent and an AB Sociology student. Hailing from the small town of Oroquieta City he has polished his craft in writing and took part in major posts from his former school publication, The CAPITOL of MONHS. His writing interests are usually in politics, community engagement, and entertainment.

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