CASS Queens: Lasting Stories of Grace and Confidence

by Kayrel Madlos 

The College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS) is reveling in the recent success of two students who recently captured spotlights in major pageants. Political Science Society's Crystal Mae Domocol is the new Miss Kiwalan 2024. Meanwhile, Sherrilyn Villanueva from the Literature, Language, and Culture Society is Miss Acmac Charity 2024. Their victories on August 13 and 14, 2024, showcased the caliber of talent that thrives within CASS.

These achievements reflect not only Crystal and Sherrilyn's individual brilliance but also the active and encouraging communities that helped them along the way. Their accomplishments demonstrate the potential that students bring to both their academic and extracurricular endeavors and serve as a testament to the determination and diligence that define CASS students.

Crystal Mae Domocol achieved a long-held ambition by competing to become Miss Kiwalan 2024. This dream was driven by a desire to inspire others and represent her community, but she was always hindered by self-doubt. Allowing her reservations to get in the way held her back from fully committing to pageants. But there was something different about this year. She was prepared to face her fears, as she thought this was her time. With those around her, Crystal bravely gave herself over to the exhilaration. "With courage and determination, even the most daunting dreams can be realized," she adds, reflecting on her experience.

Throughout the competition, Crystal faced sentiments of self-doubt and the pressure of being a first-timer. She overcomes these challenges by valuing her uniqueness and concentrating on remaining faithful to who she really is. She came to understand that showcasing her individuality on stage was just as important to the competition as having the finest walk. This change in perspective gave Crystal the bravery and resolve to confront the challenge, which ultimately helped her win. Now that she is Miss Kiwalan 2024, she wants to use her platform to encourage people to believe in themselves and to pursue their aspirations.

On the other hand, Sherrilyn Villanueva's drive to become Miss ACMAC Charity 2024 was motivated by a clear sense of purpose. Sherrilyn was no stranger to the spotlight, having placed second runner-up in the Miss Acmac pageant in 2022. However, her ambition for a title was not the only reason she entered the pageant. Sherrilyn was driven by a deep desire to uplift her community, especially to the impoverished children and youths living in her remote purok. "My participation in the pageant is inspired by this goal of serving my community and making a positive impact," she explains.

Still, she experienced challenges along the way. Sherrilyn had to deal with countless criticisms and the difficulty of balancing her participation in the pageant with her personal commitments. She was able to endure, nevertheless, through prayer and the encouraging people that surrounded her. The moment she was crowned Miss ACMAC Charity 2024, she had this realization: "Even if I wasn't able to get the crown for Miss Acmac, God has set something for me, and it's a beautiful experience." Sherrilyn intends to use her title to inspire people and use her influence to make a meaningful difference.

Truly, the College of Arts and Social Sciences is home to outstanding talents, as demonstrated by the victories of Miss Kiwalan 2024 and Miss ACMAC Charity 2024. As they return to the university this school year, their journey stands as a testament to what grace and confidence can achieve.

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