Sociology Student Makes Waves: MSU-IIT’s Jayson Abad Named Top Young Global Leader

by Michel Angelique A. Ferolino 

Deep down, we all want to make a difference, each in our own way. Maybe it's leading a team at work, being a role model for friends, or simply taking charge of our own lives. The journey to making a positive impact always starts with ourselves. By working on becoming the best versions of ourselves, we build the skills and confidence to inspire those around us. This snowball effect is where positive changes begin with us and spread outward, making the world a better place, one step at a time.

Jayson Abad isn't your typical college senior. Juggling the demands of his final year as a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology student at Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT), and serving as the Mayor of the MSU-IIT Sociology Society, Jayson has impressed on a global scale. His dedication to leadership and social impact recently earned him a prestigious recognition – a spot among the top young global leaders in 2024 by Common Purpose, a renowned leadership program based in London.

Balancing work, studies, and leadership roles presented a significant challenge for Jayson. "Many may not be aware that I am also a working student," he admits. "Balancing these responsibilities simultaneously is truly challenging. Behind my achievements lie the numerous sacrifices I've had to make. While others indulge in leisure activities, I dedicate my time to working for my youth organizations and fulfilling monthly dues at the non-profit I am affiliated with."

Despite the demands, sociology emerged as a source of strength for Jayson. This field instills humility, reminding him of the many individuals who have contributed to his social capital and shaped who he is today. The saying "for whom much is given, much is expected" resonates deeply with him. Sociology reinforces this notion, encouraging him to share his leadership talents for the greater good. Furthermore, sociology has refined his approach to leadership by training him to perceive things differently and offer a unique perspective that drives positive change. It also serves as a constant reminder of his limitations: just one individual in a complex society. However, therein lies the beauty: he understands he's not alone. Sociology has equipped him to strike the right balance between idealism and practicality, between critique and appreciation.

Jayson's passion for social change extends beyond his academic pursuits. As a dedicated member of various organizations, he is deeply committed to voter empowerment, particularly in his home province of Maguindanao. He recognizes the challenges faced by the region, including entrenched political dynasties and high poverty rates. Through his travels and experiences, he has come to believe that empowering voters is crucial for electing strong leaders who can enact positive change. Since 2021, his strong belief in voter empowerment has fueled his active involvement in various initiatives. He emphasizes this belief through his quote: "I strongly believe that while policies and programs are undoubtedly crucial for effecting change, the individuals who lead also play a significant role." His commitment is evident through his participation in initiatives for the 2022 National Elections, the 2023 Barangay and SK Elections, and currently, he is preparing for the upcoming BARMM Parliamentary Elections in 2024.

His involvement with leadership development programs further strengthens his impact. Common Purpose's "Top Global Youth Leaders'' initiative extends beyond simply recognizing exceptional youth. The program cultivates a supportive environment through an alumni network, as evidenced by Jayson Abad's participation in the ASEAN Young Leaders Programme in 2021. This network offers ongoing support via a Facebook group for sharing opportunities and a regular newsletter. The 25Under25 Awards stand out for recognizing young leaders at the beginning of their journeys. Winners receive a financial award and mentorship from a senior leader within the Common Purpose network, fostering a sense of community that empowers them, like Jayson, to navigate their leadership path and keep the "spark of social purpose" alive. 

Jayson emphasized the importance of fostering a supportive environment for aspiring student leaders. He elaborated on this point by saying, "I strongly believe that with a supportive system and an enabling environment, we can motivate others to take the lead. I also encourage my fellow students to explore different opportunities and consider applying to programs for self-development, with the hope that we can pay it forward to others. We must also remember that we lead to serve, not to be popular. While popularity may come as an outcome of leadership, the main intention must always be to serve. Join organizations and participate actively; one day, you will realize that they not only give you experiences and memories but also skills and competencies crucial for your future career and role in wider society."

Jayson Abad's journey is an inspiration to young people everywhere. It reminds us that regardless of background or challenges, we all have the potential to make a positive difference. By working on ourselves, becoming informed citizens, and actively engaging in our communities, we can all contribute to a better tomorrow. Just like him, we can all be a force to be reckoned with. 

Moreover, his recognition as a top young global leader is a monumental achievement not just for the Sociology Department at Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT), but for the entire university. It shines a spotlight on the excellence of the Sociology program and its faculty in nurturing exceptional leaders. It also brings immense pride to MSU-IIT as a whole. This story exemplifies the impact that a sociological education can have, inspiring future generations of students to pursue similar paths of leadership and social change.

But this isn't just about individual achievement. It's a beacon of hope, a testament to the power that lies within each of us. It reminds us that even the smallest spark of passion, nurtured by dedication and a supportive community, can ignite positive change that ripples outward, making the world a better place, one act of courage at a time. This journey is far from over, and this story is a powerful reminder that we all have the potential to write our extraordinary chapters. Will you be the one to carry that torch forward?

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